Login with your UCSB Net ID and password. Please do not request Limited Services through UCSBGlobal; only use your UCSB Net ID and password to login.
UCSBGlobal Mobile App
The app is here! You can now submit e-forms from your phone using the UCSBGlobal mobile app. For more information, including download instructions, head over to the app web page.
You are welcome to continue using the UCSBGlobal website, but OISS highly recommends downloading the app and turning on push notifications.

What is UCSBGlobal?
It's an online platform for International Gauchos and UCSB departments to use when submitting, reviewing, and tracking OISS requests.
What is an OISS request? In the past, requests to OISS were made by downloading OISS Forms and emailing them to OISS for approval. If you find pdf versions of these old forms online, please avoid using them. All requests (for F and J visa holders) should be submitted through UCSBGlobal. Requests are anything that must be processed and/or approved by an OISS advisor, from asking for a travel signature, to obtaining approval to reduce your course load, to requesting authorization to work.
To submit a request, simply log into UCSBGlobal with your UCSB Net ID and password. Please do not request Limited Services through UCSBGlobal; only use your UCSB Net ID and password to login.
Perks of UCSBGlobal include:
✅ No more running around campus to collect signatures
✅ No more waiting in line for drop-offs or pick-ups
✅ No more printing or scanning of OISS forms
✅ No more wondering about your request status
✅ ...and much, much more!
Below you will find a few video tutorials for those new to the system.
UCSBGlobal Introduction Video for Students & Scholars
UCSBGlobal Introduction Video for Department Users
UCSBGlobal Tutorial Videos
How To Log In To UCSBGlobal