Visa Applications & Wait Times

Planning your travel and visa applications early is important. Any student who plans to enter the U.S. to attend UC Santa Barbara in person will need a student or exchange visitor visa. This includes continuing students whose visa has expired or is about to expire, and is currently outside of the U.S.

(Note: if you are currently in the U.S., you may remain in the U.S. after you visa has expired as long as you have a valid I-20 or DS-2019 from UCSB.) 

Visa Application Resources:

If you have any questions regarding your visa application process, interview appointment or required documentation, we highly recommend that you contact your nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. This is because there is often embassy or consulate-specific information and requirements.

Visitor Visa Invitation Letter and Instructions

Consular officials from the U.S. Department of State have stated that B-2 tourist/visitor visa applications do not need an invitation letter from the school in order to process a visa application, and that the letters are not helpful. Invitation letters are not a documentation requirement in order for visitors to apply for a tourist via. However, if you would still like to provide an invitation letter for your visitor(s) to present with their visa application, you are welcome to write one. We have provided a sample letter template and instructions here.