Our Advising Services Offered:

  • Approval of student requests
  • One-on-one advising by appointment

OISS has a team of student advisors who will serve as your primary resource for immigration support. We are your immigration advisors, here to answer any questions you have about your visa status, federal immigration regulations, immigration documents (e.g. I-20, DS-2019, etc.), and things of that nature. You will notice there are several different types of advisors around campus — academic advisors, career counselors, tutors, and more. Just remember that OISS is your go-to place for immigration and visa support. 

Student Advising Hours:

Our regular hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 10 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 4 pm U.S. Pacific Time. (Hours of operation = when OISS staff are working and are available to provide services, answer emails, etc.)

Please note that advisors are not available to advise or answer emails when they are not working, such as in the evenings or on weekends. They will respond to you as soon as possible during our hours of operation. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

Student Advising Logo Round

Schedule An Advising Appointment 

If you have a more personal, in-depth question, then we recommend that you meet with your advisor one-on-one. This is so that you can provide your personal circumstances to your advisor in privacy, and so that the advisor can provide you with advice that's tailored to your unique question or circumstance. 

To promote the most seamless experience for students as possible, advisors are assigned by your family name.

To schedule an appointment:

  1. Find the advisor associated with your last name in the table to the right.

  2. Click on your advisor's Shoreline scheduling link.
  3. Select your appointment date & time.
  4. Follow the provided instructions.

What if my assigned advisor's availability conflicts with my availability?

Our advisors provide individual appointments based on their personal availability. Generally, advising appointments are available Monday through Friday, between the hours of 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM U.S. Pacific Time. 

If your assigned advisor (associated with your last name) is not available during your desired day or time each week, please contact your assigned advisor via email so that they can work with you directly on scheduling.

Who is My Immigration Advisor?

OISS Student Advisors primarily assist international students with immigration-related concerns. 

Last NameS


Appointment Scheduling LInk


Ashley Rifkin Schedule with Ashley  
J, Y  Cristina Carney Schedule with Cristina
C, F, G, I, T, X Sarah Lin Schedule with Sarah
B, L, M, P, S Jeremiah Cortes Schedule with Jeremiah
A, E, H, K, N, O, Q, R, U, V, W, Z Rosa Lopez Nakashima Schedule with Rosa


Visit our People Directory if you'd like to get to know more about your advisor and find their contact information!

How To Submit a Request For Approval

A request is anything that must be processed and/or approved by an OISS advisor. Examples of requests include asking for a travel signature, seeking approval to reduce your course load, or notifying our office that you will be taking a leave of absence. These are just a few of many examples of the types of requests international students submit to our office. Visit our guide that explains the various types of requests that international students submit to OISS. 

To submit a request, log onto UCSBGlobal (link will take you to the UCSBGlobal information page) and find the e-form that matches your request. Follow the instructions provided on the e-form to submit your request, and you'll receive a confirmation email from OISS. 


Tips for Success/ Gentle Reminders

  • Submit your requests early!
  • Please submit your request only once.
  • The processing time begins when you submit your e-form correctly. You will receive a confirmation email letting you know the processing time.
  • Please do not email our office or your advisor to ask when your request will be ready. You can log onto UCSBGlobal to track the status of your request, and you will receive an email notification when your request has been approved.